Law Firm Strategy / Economics /
Disruption: 2023
ONLINE // JUNE 27 // 2023
A law firm economic primer and mid-year, bellwether analysis at the
intersection of law firm strategy and disruption, within a changing economic landscape
2023 was destined to be a daunting year for law firm leaders across firm functions, given various pressures, economic uncertainty, and a confluence of external factors affecting service delivery and, ultimately, the underlying business model.
Today’s competitive environment includes sophisticated clients with increasing expectations, new talent demographics and generational expectations, compensation pressures and the need for evolution, variable practice economics, pricing challenges, and the constant technological cycles surrounding the industry.
Multiple challenges have emerged that threaten law firm profitability in 2023. As we observe general demand for legal services flattening (or even contracting) and profits-per-equity partner (PPEP) moving downward for the first time since 2009, law firm leaders and heads of key firm functions must take stock of their strategic priorities.
Law Firm Strategy / Economics / Disruption: 2023 taking place online, June 27th – will be comprised of several highly focused panel discussions at the intersection of business strategy and disruption - framed within the context of our changing economic landscape.
Law Firm Strategy / Economics / Disruption: 2023 aims to provide a mid-year analysis and economic guide for law firm leaders and industry experts as we examine the impact of disruptive forces on strategic decisions in a shifting economic environment.
Join us on June 27th as we explore themes ranging from strategic priorities and growth strategies to tech and talent, pricing strategy, market position, compensation, and the importance of balancing economic and cultural performance.
If you are tasked with navigating the structural dynamics of law firm profitability, modernization, and/or the economic, operational, or strategic implications of data-driven business intelligence within law firms, this event is not to be missed.
Registration is still open; confirm your place today and join your peers.
Where are we today, mid-year 2023? Have strategic priorities changed? Observations around economics, change, risk and disruption within the industry
Multiple challenges have emerged that threaten law firm profitability in 2023—falling demand, rising expenses, shifting client preferences and expectations, and a looming threat of wider economic turmoil and uncertainty to name a few. As we observe general demand for legal services flattening (or even contracting) and profits-per-equity partner (PPEP) moving downward for the first time since 2009, law firm leaders and heads of key firm functions must take stock of their strategic priorities.
With half of 2023 now behind us, this opening discussion will pose the question to all in attendance, where are we today, mid-year ‘23? What are today’s most pressing and important factors relative to your firm’s financial success and future strategic goals? Join us as we shine a light on key observations and data that point to change within the legal industry – and how today’s economic landscape impacts your firm’s strategic priorities.
Patrick Fuller
Vice President & General Manager
ALM Intelligence
Mark Medice
The exponential maturity of AI tools (LLMs, generative AI, ChatGPT) has seemingly sparked a significant paradigm shift in the legal landscape with respect to productivity, efficiency and quality—with the potential to completely transform the practice and business of law through automation. Will economic factors combined with emerging tech (Generative AI) force wholesale shifts and change to law firm business models – sooner or later than we think? As law firm leaders, where are you willing to place your bets?
This dynamic discussion will consider how AI-powered tools – given their potential as a force multiplier in law practice – may impact and change law firm business models, requisite talent – and even pricing structures. Looking over the wall-of-hype and assessing the current reality, we will debate, discuss and explore –
Mark Medice 
Wendy Butler Curtis
Chief Innovation Officer
Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Gabriel H. Teninbaum
Assistant Dean of Innovation, Strategic Initiatives, & Distance Education
& Professor of Legal Writing
Suffolk University Law School
Josh Kubicki
Director & Professor, Legal Business Design Hub & Entrepreneurship Program
University of Richmond School of Law
Co-founder & Business Designer
Bold Duck Studio
Pricing is one of the strongest drivers of law firm profitability but needs greater focus in times of uncertainty. Pricing is often misconstrued as a financial exercise when it is much more about the strategic positioning, execution, and culture of the firm. Join this panel to discuss pricing change strategies, addressing rate resistance and gaining client buy-in to your firm’s pricing strategy. This lively discussion will share best practices and supporting data to create pricing change for your firm, supporting your strategic execution and building momentum for greater profitability.
Mark Medice 
Linda Novosel
Chief Innovation & Value Officer
Blank Rome LLP
Madhav Srinivasan
Chief Financial Officer
Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP
Purvi Sanghvi
Director of Strategic Pricing
Paul Hastings
1:00 PM US CENTRAL / Interactive Discussion
Navigating Compensation Trends In 2023: Assessing Partner compensation systems/structures in today’s dynamic legal market and aligning with strategic priorities
Per the old axiom in the law firm world - If your firm's compensation system is not aligned with firm strategy, then your compensation system is your strategy. In this highly interactive session (with much real-time polling throughout), we will delve into the typical evolutionary path of partner compensation systems, key considerations before making any changes, the alignment between specific strategic goals and remuneration, and the application of “best practices” from other industries with our law firm environment. Topics for discussion and interactive debate include:
Michael D. Short
Co-Founding Principal
2:30 PM US CENTRAL / Panel Discussion
Can law firms successfully drive strategic growth and success without paying close attention to business performance on every level? Or, to put it a bit differently, what is the linkage between managing performance and strategic success? This dynamic closing discussion will address:
Joseph B. Altonji 
Co-Founding Principal
Joseph J. Morford
Managing Partner
Tucker Ellis LLP
Brie Leung
Chief Strategy Officer
Much Shelist, P.C.
Angie Sebastian
Business Advisor & Leadership Coach
Sebastian Strategies
Mark Medice
Vice President & General Manager
ALM Intelligence
Chief Innovation Officer
Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Assistant Dean of Innovation, Strategic Initiatives, & Distance Education & Professor of Legal Writing
Suffolk University Law School
Director & Professor, Legal Business Design Hub & Entrepreneurship Program
University of Richmond School of Law
Co-founder & Business Designer
Bold Duck Studio
Chief Innovation & Value Officer
Blank Rome LLP
Chief Financial Officer
Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP
Director of Strategic Pricing
Paul Hastings
Co-Founding Principal
Managing Partner
Tucker Ellis LLP
Who Should Attend: 
Law firms leaders and executive strategic change agents, including but not limited to:
Confirm your place at Law Firm Strategy / Economics / Disruption: 2023 and join your peers.
Additional team rates are available on request; please contact us for more information
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Individual Registration
Law Firm Strategy / Economics / Disruption: 2023
Access for one individual

Law Firm Strategy / Economics / Disruption: 2023 will be limited to 5 Sponsors / Supporting Partners. Each supporting partner of this virtual conference will be able to take advantage of:
For more information on how you can partner with us on this event please contact:
Kevin Klein
VP Content & Programming
Inside Practice