Operating at the Speed of Change:
Navigating Risk and Opportunity in an Era of Converging Crises
Online // March 29th / 30th // 2023
2 Days
Virtual Summit
March 29th & 30th, 2023
9:00 AM CST - 5:00 PM CST
Confirm your place before January 31st using the code LFSSEB23 and save 20% on your registration

Supporting Partners:
Just think, if we knew in 2023 what we will certainly know by 2026 (only three foreseeable years into the future), how would we change our attitudes and actions with respect to how we practice law, the services we offer, the clients we target, and the ways in which we might choose to deliver our services?
There is no proprietary data about the future. Whatever you need to know about tomorrow is to some extent, already visible. However, law firms are not good at seeing around corners or disseminating how today’s trends may impact their future. Given the blinding speed of change in the current environment, law firm leaders must focus more attention on the external and strategic.
What is the cost of not anticipating change at all?
Significant and far-reaching implications stemming from the pandemic, geopolitical conflict, and social unrest – compounded by near-constant climate disruption and chaos – are accelerating the need for an earnest commitment to more sophisticated risk assessment and scenario planning within law firms.
Business leaders and owners must commit to gaining a deeper understanding around how today’s disruptions and dislocations impact their clients’ businesses and the markets they serve, enabling firms to better prepare for competitive threats, new practice opportunities and other probable futures that will directly impact the firm’s business.
The Legal Foresight Summit will bring together a cross-function of law firm leaders, the clients they serve, and some of today's leading Foresight subject matter experts. Together we will explore our capability to adapt to an altered risk management landscape characterized by abrupt change – while illuminating the utility and application of strategic foresight into our broader operational risk management efforts.
For law firms and their clients, this is the strategic dilemma of our time – the pursuit of operational resilience and business agility – parsing out risk and opportunity amidst constant disruption, systemic shock and abrupt change.
The most successful law firms 10 years from now will most certainly emerge from the choices made by law firm leaders today. Hence, long-term vision, innovation and strategic adaptation has never been more important.
Join your peers as we collectively explore new ways of critically thinking about risk and opportunity for the firm and its clients – delineating between factors that we can and cannot control, while expanding the picture with respect to what we can provide for our clients in an increasingly complex and competitive legal landscape.
Chief Futurist
SK Futures Inc.
Chief Innovation Officer / Exec. Dir.
Future of the Profession Initiative at Penn Carey Law
Director of Scenarios and Strategy
Salesforce Futures
Founder and Director
The Institute for Legal Transformation
Director, Scalable Foresight
Institute for the Future
McKenna Associates Inc.
Corporate and ESG Law Partner
Gowling WLG
Chairman Emeritus
Jackson Lewis P.C.
President & CEO
Carlton Fields
ESG and Sustainability Sagee
Amity Advisory
Global Partner for Client Sustainability
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Head of Client Sustainability and Environment
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
President and Founder
The Tilt Institute Inc.
Managing Partner
Robinson & Cole LLP
Baker & McKenzie LLP
Chief Legal Talent Officer
Troutman Pepper
Coach / Consultant / Author
Co-Author of Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Models, Tools and Techniques of Organizational Change
Corporate Lawyer / Board Chair / Certified Executive Coach
Data-driven advisory for sustainability leaders & teams
Asst. Dean of Innovation, Strategic Initiatives, & Distance Educ. & Professor of Legal Writing,
Suffolk University Law School
Chief Operating Officer
Wilson Sonsini
Partner Innovative Products
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Innovation Advisor
Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
National Director
Law Students for Climate Accountability
Student Outreach Chair
Law Students for Climate Accountability
Law Students for Climate Accountability
Of Counsel
Anthony Law Firm
CEO and Founder
Mind-Alliance Systems
UNLV Distinguished Professor; Garman Turner Gordon Professor of Law
William S. Boyd School of Law; University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Affiliate Professor of Business Law and Ethics
Lee Business School
Associate Partner, Global Law Knowledge Leader
Ernst & Young
Chief Knowledge Officer
Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP
DAY 1:
Wednesday, March 29th
All times are listed in US Central Time:
San Francisco -2 / Chicago 0 / New York +1 / London +6 / Zurich +7 / Moscow +8 / Tokyo +14 / Sydney +15
Time 7:45 AM – 7:55 AM / US Central Time
Sanjay Khanna,
Chief Futurist,
SK Futures Inc.
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM / US Central Time
A new operating context has emerged, shaping the strategic dilemma of our time for companies and their various advisors – including lawyers.
Sanjay Khanna,
Chief Futurist,
SK Futures Inc.
Three years into the “era of converging crises,” demarcated by the declaration of a global pandemic in 2020, law firms and clients face constant disruption in the form of systemic shocks and abrupt change.
Firms need to know what is and isn’t in their sphere of influence when responding to this turbulent, uncertain, novel, and ambiguous contextual environment.
Sanjay Khanna, chief futurist of SK Futures Inc., and former futurist at Baker McKenzie, explains the role of foresight, how it can be used, and why it’s important for law firms to have internal foresight capacity.
Finally, this opening keynote will explore the evolving and expanding role of trusted advisory services at law firms, including those related to Environmental, Social, and Governance issues.
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM / US Central Time
Panel discussion illuminating the utility and application of strategic foresight within organizations.
Sanjay Khanna, Chief Futurist, SK Futures Inc.
Noah Flower, Director of Scenarios and Strategy, Salesforce Futures
Dr. Abir Haddad, Founder and Director, The Institute for Legal Transformation
Gabe Cervantes, Director, Scalable Foresight,
Institute for the Future
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM / US Central Time
Converse, collaborate, and connect with contacts old and new, in our face to face virtual networking session.
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM / US Central Time
As the global climate changes, so does the climate in which law firms operate. Firms that are unable to adapt will leave themselves vulnerable both to disrupted operations and to a loss of clients and recruits.
Haley Czarnek, National Director, Law Students for Climate Accountability
Kelsey Dunn, Student Outreach Chair, Law Students for Climate Accountability
Tim Hirschel-Burns, Co-Founder, Law Students for Climate Accountability
Stinson Woodward Ferguson, Of Counsel,
Anthony Law Firm
Law Students for Climate Accountability (LSCA) aims to push the legal profession in a direction that is compatible with human life, and believes law firms should embrace the transition away from fossil fuels as a way of building resilience into their business model. Join LSCA for a panel discussion exploring why law firms should re-examine not only their operations, but also their matters, from a long-term perspective, particularly centering climate as an issue that clients and young talent are increasingly prioritizing.
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM / US Central Time
Law firms investing in the future will naturally be better positioned to take advantage of emerging opportunities, mitigating risk for both the firm and for its clients. In this context, we are witnessing an exponential increase in demand for legal services related to ESG as organizations continue to improve their environmental, social, and governance performance and reporting.
Law firms knowledgeable in ESG will be far better equipped to provide the necessary services and advice to their clients.
Today's law firm leaders need to understand the obligations they face and the opportunities ESG presents. This discussion will examine the current and future implications of the growing expectations from clients and other stakeholders of their outside service firms when it comes to ESG. We will discuss this from the perspectives of the "Practice of Law" (serving clients) and of the Business of Law (running your firm). Join this lively conversation to learn what your firm could be doing and should be doing to leverage ESG - now and into the future. Doing nothing is not an option!
Pamela Cone, ESG and Sustainability Sage, Amity Advisory
Timothy Wilkins, Global Partner for Client Sustainability, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Jake Reynolds, Head of Client Sustainability and Environment, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM / US Central Time
If perfectionism is the enemy of innovation, in what sort of environment does innovation thrive? The most successful law firms 10 years from now will most certainly emerge from the choices made by law firm leaders today. Hence, long-term vision, innovation and strategy have never been more important.
Marcie Borgal Shunk, President and Founder, The Tilt Institute Inc.
Rhonda J. Tobin, Managing Partner, Robinson & Cole LLP
Sona Spencer, Chief Legal Talent Officer , Troutman Pepper
Kevin B. Coon,
Baker & McKenzie LLP
This illuminating discussion will consider and evaluate some of the most common barriers and obstacles to innovation and transformational change within law firms – addressing culture, leadership and data—not to mention the need for visionary leadership willing to help seed a predominantly risk-averse culture with the ambition (and foresight) to experiment and adapt, proactively.
This discussion will explore real-world experience, trial, error and adaptation in driving new ways of critically thinking about risk for the firm and its clients. We will collectively consider what’s involved in convincing your partners and gaining the internal support and enthusiasm required to pioneer the application of any untested, emerging technology, framework or methodology – juxtaposed with the risk or cost of not anticipating change at all.
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM / US Central Time
Lunch / Legal Foresight Summit Virtual Networking
Converse, collaborate, and connect with contacts old and new, in our face to face virtual networking session.
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM / US Central Time
The vast majority of law firm Executive Committee and Board meetings tend to be focused on the internal versus external, the reactive versus proactive, and the operational versus strategic.
Patrick J. McKenna, Principal, McKenna Associates Inc.
Stephen Pike, Corporate and ESG Law Partner, Gowling WLG
Vincent Cino, Chairman Emeritus, Jackson Lewis P.C.
Gary L. Sasso,
President & CEO,
Carlton Fields
The father of modern management, Peter Drucker, believed that sooner or later, time will turn your most precious assets into liabilities and that the most powerful competitive advantage may eventually be neutralized by the shifting sands of a changing external environment.
Just think, if we knew in 2023 what we will certainly know by 2026 (only three foreseeable years into the future) how would we change our attitudes and actions with respect to how we practice law, the services we offer, the clients we target, and the ways in which we might chose to deliver our services?
There is no proprietary data about the future. Whatever you need to know about tomorrow is to some extent, already visible. However, law firms are not good at seeing around corners or understanding how today’s trends may impact their future. Given the blinding speed of change in the current environment, law firm Executive Committee and Board members must focus more attention on the external and strategic. Their role should be directed toward investing time to help guide your firm successfully into the future while also governing for the present. Your Executive Committee and Board members provide a valuable resource when they excel at not only providing oversight, but insight and most importantly — foresight. And foresight is all about – observing present trends to help us determine how we might intercept the future.
This dynamic panel discussion of Firm Leaders will discuss:
DAY 2:
Thursday, March 30th
All times are listed in US Central Time:
San Francisco -2 / Chicago 0 / New York +1 / London +6 / Zurich +7 / Moscow +8 / Tokyo +14 / Sydney +15
Time 7:45 AM – 7:55 AM / US Central Time
Sanjay Khanna,
Chief Futurist,
SK Futures Inc.
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM / US Central Time
In a rapidly changing business landscape, the future of law has become murkier. To thrive, law firm leaders must embrace a culture of adaptation and collaboration. This keynote will explore the risks and opportunities abrupt and accelerating change creates and the crucial role of interdisciplinary professionals in shaping the future of the industry.
The presentation will also delve into the evolution of leadership in law firms, offering specific and actionable tips for law firm leaders tasked with navigating the road ahead. The presentation will close with thoughts about how the emerging power of Artificial Intelligence, including ChatGPT, creates unprecedented challenges and opportunities for the business of law. Join us for a thought-provoking, interactive discussion on the urgent need to move beyond traditional models of leadership and embrace an innovative, optimistic, action-oriented outlook on the future of corporate law.
Jennifer Leonard
Chief Innovation Officer / Executive Director
Future of the Profession Initiative at Penn Carey Law
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM / US Central Time
What does it mean to be a competent lawyer amid accelerating discontinuity?
Esther Cameron
Coach / Consultant / Author
Co-Author of Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Models, Tools and Techniques of Organizational Change
Aladdin Tingling Diakun
Data-driven advisory for sustainability leaders & teams / Corporate Lawyer / Board Chair / Certified Executive Coach
Our systems, institutions, and worldviews reflect a world that no longer exists. Planetary change and the “polycrisis” have changed the context in which we all operate. Now we must change our behavior and how we relate.
This changes who we are as individuals and organizations; perhaps even the role of lawyer and law firm in society as we have known it. Law firms must not only respond to forces from “outside,” they also shape the broader systems of which they are a part, which in turn feed back onto the firm.
Amid converging crises and accelerating personal and business disruption, what do change and change management look like? In this discontinuous era, how can we begin to, think about, assess, and sense into the emerging potential for change?
In this highly-interactive session, we will aspire to understand the firm as a complex adaptive system 'in service of life'. We will offer new ways of thinking and being to help you to relate more closely to the nature of change we face in these challenging times. We will also introduce key concepts, tools, and frameworks in action to help inspire awareness and curiosity as it pertains to strategy, creativity, collaboration and the art of the possible.
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM / US Central Time
Converse, collaborate, and connect with contacts old and new, in our face to face virtual networking session.
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM / US Central Time
Addressing the why - the Business Imperative
David Alfrey, Lawyer, Member Global ESG Board, Clifford Chance LLP
Michelle Breslauer, Senior Manager, Global Governance, United Nations Global Compact
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM / US Central Time
Building Human Capital Systems to Address Emerging Domain Challenges – And Making them Sticky within Your Firm
Anna McGrane,
CEO and Co-Founder,
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM / US Central Time
In the legal services market, the Big Four are expected to gain an edge due to their expertise in dealing with business problems and using technology.
David Kamien,
CEO and Founder, Mind-Alliance Systems
Scott Leeb, Chief Knowledge Officer, Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP
Nancy B. Rapoport, J.D., UNLV Distinguished Professor; Garman Turner Gordon Professor of Law, William S. Boyd School of Law; University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and Affiliate Professor of Business Law and Ethics, Lee Business School
Mark Ford,
Associate Partner, Global Law Knowledge Leader,
Ernst & Young
To compete at the top of their industry, law firms must become indispensable strategic partners with a deep understanding of their clients' businesses, relationships, processes, and products. By doing so, they can assist their clients' law departments in identifying legal risk exposures, quantifying potential legal losses, and integrating legal risk management into their broader operational risk management strategies.
In order to protect a company's future and help it thrive, how can law firms obtain a deep understanding of their client's businesses and associated legal and enterprise risks? Which processes and systems do law firms and clients need to manage business and risk information and support decision-making? How will law firms develop and sell tech-enabled services and compete with the Big Four, and others? These are just a few of the topics we will cover in this important discussion.
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM / US Central Time
Lunch / Legal Foresight Summit Virtual Networking
Converse, collaborate, and connect with contacts old and new, in our face to face virtual networking session.
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM / US Central Time
This diverse panel will explore both how and why technology and talent are key ingredients to enabling law firms to adapt to change, endure, expand and improve their business models to better serve clients, capitalize on new opportunities and recruit and retain the necessary talent to meet the many challenges unfolding within law firms and the businesses of the clients they serve.
Gabe Teninbaum, Asst. Dean of Innovation, Strategic Initiatives, & Distance Educ. & Professor of Legal Writing, Suffolk University Law School
Chris Boyd, Chief Operating Officer, Wilson Sonsini
Gillian S.G. Scott, Partner, Innovative Products, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Vedika Mehera, Innovation Advisor,
Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Specific topics of discussion will include:
Confirm your place before January 31st using the code LFSSEB23 and save 20% on your registration.
Academic, student and additional team rates are available on request, please contact us for more information
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Networking sessions
Event recordings
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Networking sessions
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Networking sessions
Event recordings