Partner Profile


Hadas Alterman


Law firms have long struggled with having clean, accurate, and readily available data at their fingertips. Beyond some flavor of financial warehouse, firms have increasingly been challenged with having faster, easier access to all its data. With greater client demands, competition, and stress on firm leadership to manage less on gut intuition, being a data-driven law firm has become a strategic imperative.

Leveraging his 25+ years in the legal industry as CIO/CKO at Sheppard Mullin, Cadwalader and Reed Smith alongside consulting for 7 years to many of the top firms in the globe, Tom Baldwin has become an expert on law firm data.  In his 7 years of consulting he started a data practice and led data strategy engagements, management/executive committee dashboard design and data lake envisioning efforts at many Am Law 200 firms.  These experiences sharpened his views on the challenges law firms face with data and how to solve them, but there was no easy answer.  

We realized there needed to be a product on the market to help firms solve this problem. Firms had to spend hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars on out-of-industry data people who needed years to figure things out, only to realize that there was no tangible outcome in sight. Or buy a narrowly focused, fit-for-purpose, data solution that may solve one need but not provide a holistic view of all their data – integrated in a safe, secure way and provide simple and easy dashboards for lawyers and business professionals. Until now.



Tom Baldwin




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