ESG Data Reporting Disclosures UK

ESG Data, Reporting & Disclosures: London

LONDON // 01 / 04 // 2025

From Obligations to Opportunities. Turning Data into Strategy, and Compliance into Competitive Advantage


Confirm your place by 28th February and save £200


In an era where data is the cornerstone of ESG accountability, the legal profession must evolve to meet the demands of rigorous disclosure requirements - success requires more than basic compliance, it demands precision, foresight, and strategy.

Combining high-level keynotes, interactive panels, and in-depth roundtable discussions, ESG Data, Reporting & Disclosures: London is a full-day peer-to-peer exchange, designed to explore the demand, tools, standardization, legislative changes, innovations and best practices in sustainability compliance.

From understanding the nuances of frameworks such as CSRD, ISSB, and CSDDD to mitigating the risks of greenwashing allegations, ESG Data, Reporting & Disclosures: London will provide a clear roadmap to enhancing the quality, accuracy, and reliability of ESG disclosures.

We invite you to join us on 1st April, 2025, in London to explore how the legal profession can transform the challenges of ESG data collection and reporting into opportunities for leadership, efficiency, and client impact.

Key Themes Include:

  • Harmonizing Reporting Efforts: Streamlining data collection and reporting processes to meet obligations under frameworks such as the CSRD, ISSB standards, TCFD, and emerging UK and US regulations.
  • Improving Data Accuracy: Strategies for internal auditing, third-party assurance, and leveraging AI tools to enhance data accuracy and eliminate compliance risks.
  • Mitigating Risk: Assess approaches to reduce the burden on teams while ensuring compliance, avoiding greenwashing pitfalls, and safeguarding against regulatory penalties.
  • Value Creation from ESG Data: How to turn ESG reporting into a competitive advantage by generating actionable KPIs, benchmarking progress, and identifying growth opportunities.
  • Educating Stakeholders: Educational programs to engage law firm leadership, foster cross-functional collaboration, and empower stakeholders to champion ESG initiatives.

Super Early Bird Registration:

Confirm your place by 28th February and save £200



Bird Registration:

Confirm your place at ESG Data, Reporting, and Disclosures: UK by 28th February and save £200


Tuesday, 1st April, 2025

We will be announcing additional speakers and sessions in the coming weeks. Stay Tuned.


Do you have an interesting story to present? A case study to share? Or would like to be a part of one of the panels?

If you are interested in collaborating with us on this program or one of our upcoming Inside Practice programs, let us know, complete our 2025 Invitation to Collaborate

8:00AM – 8:50 AM GMT 

Registration / Breakfast 

8:45AM- 9:05AM GMT

Welcome & Opening Remarks


ESG Landscape- Current Reporting Trends in the UK and EU

Conference Chairperson 

9:9:05AM- 9:45AM GMT / Panel Discussion / ESG REPORTING AND REGULATIONS

EU Corporate Sustainability Responsibility Directive:  Preparation and Execution of the CSRD Disclosure


The CSRD reporting process requires generating and analyzing a range of specific data points, including the ESRS general disclosures and conducting a double materiality assessment. Leveraging consultants and third parties can provide significant benefits in navigating these complex requirements and ensuring compliance.

Advanced tools and solutions are crucial for streamlining data collection, analysis, and reporting while meeting the standards for ESG disclosures.

Organizations must also ensure their submissions are in the correct machine-readable digital format and align with the EU Green Taxonomy classification system. A thorough approach to data accuracy, particularly across the entire value chain, is essential to achieving comprehensive and reliable reporting.

  • Assess the different data points that need to be generated as part of the CSRD reporting process
  • Understand the ESRS general disclosures and the double materiality assessment as part of the CSRD disclosure process
  • Discuss the benefits of utilizing consultants and third parties to assist with the double materiality assessment and CSRD reporting
  • Analyze tools and solutions that can be utilized to enhance the data collection, analysis, and reporting process
  • Dissect the general disclosures and the Environmental, Social, and Governance standards that are required as part of the disclosure
  • Ensure that your disclosure is prepared and submitted in the correct machine-readable digital format
  • Prepare to comply with the EU Green Taxonomy classification system as part of the CSRD requirement
  • Ensure that all data has been collected and accurate from your value chain


9:45AM - 10:25AM GMT / ESG Reporting and  Regulations

Additional ESG Reporting Disclosure 


Part 1: Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)

Discuss the goal of the CSDDD to prevent negative human rights and environmental impact within your organization and supply chain. Assess the due diligence processes, public reporting mandates and disclosures, and third-party assurances of sustainability disclosures.

  • Lucia Williams, Senior Associate, Clyde & Co LLP 
  • Zachary Barlow, Associate Editor, CCR CORP

Part 2: International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)

Assess the different requirements needed for IFRS S1 and S2 related to disclosure of sustainability related financial information, and climate related disclosures. Prepare to align metrics with the TCFD framework's four pillars of governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics/targets. Understand the requirements for the GHG emissions reporting which includes scope 3 data.


Speaker to be announced


Part 3: Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA TCFD)

Dissect the key components of TCFD reporting and the four core pillars to ensure your organization is adequately prepared for accurate reporting. TCFD reporting has become a mandatory report in many jurisdictions with the goal of identifying both climate related and financial related risks and opportunities.


Speaker to be announced


10:25AM - 10:55AM GMT

Networking AM Coffee Break


10:55AM - 11:35AM GMT / ESG Reporting and Regulations

Supply Chain Impact on ESG Reporting


Coming Soon

111:35AM - 12:20PM GMT / ESG Reporting and Regulations

Lessons Learned from Early Reporting Organizations


Early adopters of CSRD reporting provide valuable insights into the process, offering a chance to assess the types of organizations that successfully completed their disclosures ahead of schedule. By analyzing the obstacles encountered, particularly those related to data collection, key challenges can be identified and addressed.

Lessons learned from these early reporters highlight strategies and best practices that can inform future reporting efforts. Additionally, reviewing the outcomes of early CSRD reporting reveals areas for improvement, creating opportunities to refine processes and enhance overall compliance and efficiency.

  • Assess the different types of organizations that completed CSRD reporting early
  • Analyze any obstacles that were faced related to the data collection process
  • Discuss lessons learned from early reporters that can be utilized for future reporting initiatives
  • Dissect the outcomes of CSRD reporting to identify opportunities for improvement


12:20PM – 1:00PM GMT

Networking Lunch

1:00PM – 1:40PM GMT / ESG Reporting and Regulations

Education and Guidance for C-Suite and Board Members of Legal Teams


A top-down approach to training and education is essential for emphasizing the importance of ESG data collection and reporting within law firms.

Highlighting the organizational benefits of complete and accurate data, such as fostering growth and building trust, can drive greater commitment to these initiatives. Addressing the risks associated with inaccurate data and reporting further underscores the need for meticulous data cleanliness.

To remain competitive, firms must anticipate evolving client demands related to ESG disclosures and adapt accordingly. Continued education and upskilling for all stakeholders involved in the data collection and reporting process are vital to ensuring sustained success and alignment with future requirements.

  • Assess training and education techniques to highlight the importance of ESG data collection and reporting for law firms with a top-down approach
  • Analyze the benefits of collecting complete and accurate data for organizational growth
  • Discuss the potential risk of inaccurate data and reporting to obtain buy-in for data cleanliness improvement
  • Anticipate the evolution of client's future needs related to ESG disclosures
  • Evaluate different approaches for continued education and upskilling for all stakeholders involved in the data collection and reporting process


Additional Panelists TBA

1:40PM - 2:20PM GMT / ESG Data Collection and Validation

Best Practices for Data Governance, Collection, and Interoperability


Effective data governance strategies are crucial for ensuring security and clarity around stakeholder access, minimizing the risk of unauthorized data exposure. Collecting data from multiple sources, including across the supply chain, often presents obstacles that require targeted solutions to maintain efficiency and accuracy.

Leveraging specialized tools can streamline the data collection process and enhance reliability. Additionally, eliminating data silos and improving interoperability create opportunities for seamless collaboration and better integration of information, driving more cohesive and effective reporting practices.

  • Explore best practices on data governance strategies to identify which stakeholders have access to which data to eliminate the potential of security risks
  • Identify obstacles and solutions when collecting data from multiple sources including your supply chain to ensure efficient and accurate data collection
  • Identify tools that can assist in the data collection process
  • Explore opportunities to remove silos and improve interoperability of data 


2:20PM - 2:50PM GMT

Afternoon Networking Coffee Break


2:50PM- 3:25PM PM GMT / ESG Data Collection and Validation

Generating Business Value from Data Collection and Reporting Efforts


Maximising efforts to generate key performance indicators (KPIs) is essential for establishing benchmarks that guide future development and sustainability initiatives. By measuring progress and setting meaningful standards, organizations can effectively track their journey toward achieving sustainability goals.

Leveraging valuable data points further enables the identification of growth opportunities and highlights areas where potential may have been missed, driving continuous improvement and strategic advancement.

  • Maximize your efforts to generate KPI’s and benchmark for future development
  • Measure progress and set valuable standards to achieve your sustainability goals
  • Utilize valuable data points to identify areas for growth and missed opportunities

3:25PM - 4:00PM GMT / ESG Data Collection and Validation

Data Accuracy, Internal Auditing, and Third-Party Assurance


Inaccurate reporting poses significant risks, including greenwashing allegations, investor claims, and potential breaches of contract, underscoring the need for robust data management practices.

Implementing internal processes to automate data collection from affiliated organizations and the supply chain ensures more comprehensive and reliable reporting. Leveraging tools to audit data, capture errors, and authenticate accuracy further strengthens data integrity.

Additionally, understanding third-party data assurance processes is critical for meeting CSRD standards and maintaining compliance, trust, and credibility.

  • Understanding the risks of inaccurate reporting: greenwashing claims, investor claims and breach of contract risks 
  • Implement internal processes to automate data collection from all affiliated organizations and supply chain 
  • Utilize tools to audit data, capture errors, and authenticate accuracy 
  • Understand the processes of data assurance from a third-party to meet the CSRD standards


3:55 - 4:00PM GMT

Chairperson’s Closing Remarks

4:00 PM – 5:00PM GMT

Drinks/Networking Reception 


ESG Data, Reporting & Disclosures: London will take place at 113 Chancery Lane, the home of The Law Society:


113 Chancery Ln




Travel / Directions



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ESG Data, Reporting, & Disclosures: London

By 28th February and save £200

Individual Registration


(£795 through 28/02)

Team Rates

Please note: Group/Team, Student/Academic, vendor and consultant rates available on request


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